Tribute to Humanness - 1

Helllo Lifectioners,

Humanness.. And what does humanness mean? I don’t believe it’s about kindness, per se. Kindness is for the benefit of people in need. Humanness can be less assertive. Humanness is not about giving to people who require help; it’s more a way of acting and doing the right thing, the appropriate thing, the respectful thing the emphatic know what I mean…humanness.

In one of my previous blog posts, I talked about BEING HUMAN. And throughout my life, I saw the best example of HUMANNESS in form of Nirankari Head Baba Hardev Singh Ji, who lived his life throughout for the purpose to create Humanity, leading to a better society.
He also established Nirankari Foundation who works day and night for betterment of the society in form of various Blood Donation Drives(making records for largest voluntarily blood donation camps), Tree Plantation Drives (making records for largest number of trees ever planted together at once), Cleaning the railway stations as a goal for SWACH BHARAT ABHIYAN (started by Hon'ble Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi). For more details about the Nirankari foundation and what do they do, please visit

For him, humanness was about living a gracious, benevolent and satisfied life. In all his messages, he invited us to be humane and cultured – to live good thoughts, good words and good deeds. his humanness was graciously complete, mentally appeasing, physically and emotionally balanced and steeped in humility. After having taken on the mantle, on 27 April 1980, right up until 13 May 2016, he never looked back. His personal and enduring sanctity touched all alike, wherever he moved in the world. Sacrificing any personal needs or wish for comfort, He was one with the shanty town dwellers or rural communities, with whom he would sit even if it meant hours of travel and toil. They would sing and dance, feeling overwhelmed by these moments of joy. He was equally at ease with heads of state, who were enamored by the simplicity with which he was spreading messages of peaceful co-existence and tolerance. Wherever he went, He rendered the ‘covert’ divinity in each and every person, abundantly ‘overt’. He touched all asunder. So much so that his humanness transformed the atmosphere into vibrant love and compassion, filling it humanness with the fragrance of purity and empathy. In his presence, all doubts and delusions were transcended with ease. He made it clear that for humanness to prevail, the relationship with Nirankar (Formless Lord) has to be established. Once we are close to Nirankar, then the closeness with human beings naturally follows. In the absence of this relationship - the gnosis or jnana - no ideology, devotion, dedication or worship can bridge the ever-growing distance between us. In fact, it would be sheer folly to think that we can salvage humanity with mere rationalist, humanist, existentialist or any other system of thought. In the words of it is rightly said, ‘we are to light lamps and spread their light, with our positive deeds and actions, amongst the whole of mankind, so that they too can unite with the Mission of Oneness.

Life is too short for any of it... We have 900 breaths per hour; 21,600 breaths per day; or 7,889,400 breaths per year.... We never know that which breath can be our last one or after which which breath are we going to turn to dust or will we be able to take our next breath or not... Its all in the Almighty's grace..... _/\_

We are all human, here on this earth for a limited duration. None of us knows when our number will be up; it is easy for life to pass us by in the blink of an eye. When an individual reaches old age, they may look back and ask themselves: did I make the most of each day? Did I do everything I wanted to do? Was I the person I wanted to be? Did I live life to the fullest of my abilities? When an individual passes, they are remembered for their good qualities and their virtuous deeds, not for their material possessions or worldly status. At that moment in time, this is not what is important. What is important is the manner in which they lived, and the moral and ethical legacies they left behind. In considering life and death, it is important to consider the meaning of life and the right way to live. People look for this either in religion or in philosophy. The important thing is to arrive at the confluence of the beginning and the end - the source of all things. It is this knowledge of our Source that give rise to the qualities of compassion, tolerance, humility, integrity and charity amongst others. They are all forms of love. When one talks about charity, some are generous with their money, others generous with their time. But perhaps even these qualities don’t fully encapsulate what often is the unconditional giving up of ourselves for the betterment of humanity. This could be termed generosity of spirit. Once we can comprehend this notion of generosity of spirit, it becomes so enriching that it becomes a life-long habit. Indeed, a life that that is light on trinkets and heavy with deeds has much to be commended. We all know that actions speak louder than words. Despite the challenges or adverse circumstances placed in our way, we should never stop rejoicing in the fact that we are alive. After all, the common saying reminds us, life is not about surviving the storm, but learning to dance in it. We shall always have challenges and obstacles thrown our way, but how we deal with them and react to them is the key to our life of equilibrium. We should remember that it is not possible to celebrate life without others around us, be they family, friends or members of the community. We all have the capacity, in one way or the other, to live our lives as an example to others. We can do this for our children, our peers at work or even complete strangers. This can indeed be termed Humanness. 

Next Blog- Tribute to Humanness - 2

With all my love,


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